Buddhi Maheshika Pathirana

Co - Founder & Director Shark and Ray Project

Buddhi is currently pursuing an MSc while researching the biology and ecology of sharks and rays in Sri Lanka. She leads the fisheries projects at Ocean Rosy, obtaining funds and developing research projects to ensure sustainable fisheries in Sri Lanka. She serves as an Asia Region Coordinator for MISS while serving as a WOS University Ambassador. She received "WDHOF dive grant in 2019 and "Young Professional Recruitment Diversity Scholarship 2019" from American Elasmobranch Society.

W. Sahan Thilakaratna

Co-Founder & Director (Aquatic Species Conservation, Mangrove, and Algae Projects)

Sahan is reading toward his MSc at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. He has been awarded the “Young Research Scholar 2017” by the Global Research and Development Services; “Young Professional Recruitment Fund Diversity Scholar 2019” by the American Elasmobranch Society; “Dr. Shayamalie Senadheera Memorial Award 2019” for the “Best Undergraduate Research Thesis” and "Best Oral Presenter 2019" at the WildLanka International Symposium.